Monthly Archives: August 2012

Atheism Plus: The First Dogma of Atheism

A new wave of atheism has emerged in the last week or so, called “Atheism +.”  From what I’ve read, it’s generally a combination of atheism, feminism (which started all of this), and humanism.  I am, by strict definition, all of these things.  However, I will not adhere to the Atheism + “movement.”

First, this is a clear attempt by certain atheists to distance themselves from others and start a new subgroup within atheism, and when you start bundling concepts together, people can get alienated.  This new group has caused great divisiveness within the community (and yes, we are a community), a community already weak on resources.  And based on the blogs I have read from those “in the know,” (e.g., Richard Carrier) either you’re 100% in or you’re 100% out.  That’s a very poor attitude, and it sounds dangerously close to the strong-arming done by religions.  It used to be that atheists supported atheism, feminists supported feminism, and humanists supported humanism.  Why these are all bundled together, I have no idea.

Second, religions have been arguing for years that atheism is just as dogmatic as religions (which, of course, is false), and this new movement is toiling dangerously close to being dogmatic, not to mention the fact that a single belief has now been transformed into an entire worldview.  That’s just more ammunition for the religious.  They are laughing at us.

Third, although I am technically a feminist, I don’t like the term or the concept, because it is inherently exclusionary.  How about equal rights, opportunity, and treatment for everyone?  It’s like people who support breast cancer.  How about supporting melanoma and leukemia, or all cancer?  Or people with stickers on their cars that say “watch for motorcycles.”  How about watching out for bicycles, pedestrians, children, the blind, or trains at train tracks?  Isn’t the overarching concept motoring awareness and safety?  So to say that I support equality for women, I do, but I also support equality for everyone else, too, regardless of gender, age, race, or even religion.  I bet for every woman who may have been propositioned on an elevator, there’s an African American denied a job because of the color of their skin, or middle-easterner leered at by every passerby at the airport, simply because of the turban on their head.  We’re all deserving of fair, equitable treatment, and worthy of respect, when earned.

Fourth, why is it called Atheism +?  Why isn’t it “Feminism +,” “Humanism +”, or just “Secular Humanism” (which it basically is)?  Why doesn’t it have a completely new word for its name?  How and why is atheism the backbone of this group?  I’ve never heard of a liberal calling themselves “Gun Control +.”  Although I hold many opinions, some liberal and some conservative, I do not wish to be labeled as anything in totality.  I am not a liberal, conservative, Democrat, or Republican.  I hold specific views on specific issues, and in no way care to bundle them into a dogma, certainly not one in which I want to “recruit” others to follow.

Therefore, I propose a new group, Atheism – (minus), which is absolutely nothing but disbelief in any gods, stripped of anything else.  Oh wait, that’s what atheism actually is…let’s keep it simple.  I’m all for fairness and equality in the atheist community, but not like this.

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An Interview with Mary Johnson, a Nun Who Worked Under Mother Teresa and Later Became an Atheist | Friendly Atheist

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Nature, “Leading scientists still reject God”  July 23, 1998

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And Christians Still Think the Earth Is How Old? BBC News – New human species identified from Kenya fossils

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Filed under Uncategorized » The Most Influential Evangelist You’ve Never Heard Of

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Another setback for secularism in America | Why Evolution Is True

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Love It…


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This is disturbing…≷=US

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Matt Dillahunty, “Elevatorgate,” and Facebook

So yesterday, I’m fishing around Facebook, minding my own business, and I come across a new post by Matt Dillahunty.  It was bizarre. . .

Let me preface this by saying that I’m a fan of Matt’s.  For those of you who don’t know of him, he’s the host of The Atheist Experience (AE), an atheist cable access show out of Texas.  In fact, when I first became an outspoken advocate of atheism, Matt and the AE was probably my first and best resource for good information for debate (and a few laughs at the expense of uninformed Christians).  Matt is very good at his craft.  He’s knows a lot, and is pretty good at debate.  Matt also recently married a feminist, and has proclaimed himself one, as well.  I just want you to know that, as it sets up his position, as will become obvious later in the post.

But when I read this post, I was completely dumbfounded.  But let me premise the situation with what I know.  Last year, a woman name Rebecca Watson, who is both a feminist and atheist, posted a YouTube video, in which she stated that she was propositioned on an elevator, at 4AM, at a conference in Ireland.  Her comments were brief, but simple.  She entered the elevator, so did a man.  He asked her to join him in his room for coffee and to talk, and she declined.  That’s it.  I’m sure I’m forgetting some minor details, but that’s pretty much what happened.  In her video, she outlined the series of events, and stated that this was not an appropriate way to talk to a woman.  Period.

Well, after this, the situation went completely insane.  Richard Dawkins, Thunderf00t, PZ Myers, and Matt Dillahunty all got involved somehow.  Everybody took their sides.  Dawkins and Thuerf00t said that event was blown out of proportion, and PZ and Matt sided with Rebecca.  Why this ever turned into anything is beyond any logic.  Also keep in mind that this event took place over a year ago.

Fast forward to yesterday.  I’m checking out Matt’s page when I see this crazy post, basically baiting people into to disagreeing with him, so he can block them.  Unfortunately, Matt deleted the post about a  half hour later, so I can only paraphrase what he said, and the ensuing madness.  Here’s my attempt at a paraphrase –

If you believe that “elevatorgate” was blown out of proportion, comment “yes.”  If you disagree, do not post anything.  Mass blocking to ensue.”

So even if Matt did not explicitly state it, his implication was that those who disagree with him will be blocked.  Of course, lots of people commented “yes,” including me.  Some of us added some commentary as to why we think it was overblown.  Others called Matt out for his behavior.  I also asked Matt if he planned on blocking all of us, and if so, why.  He did not respond to my question.  Apparently, many people were blocked, which Matt later admitted in a subsequent post.  To my knowledge, I was not.

What the hell, Matt?  It seems to me that someone really pissed Matt off, and he felt like blowing up everyone who disagreed with him.  That is not OK, especially from a so-called leader in the atheist community, especially considering that the original issue has nothing to do with atheism.  He denied this, but I don’t see it being any other way.  At one point, Matt tried to defend his actions by excusing himself through a hyper-technicality in his original post.  He’s good at that, and it is sometimes useful, but in this case, he was trying to cover his own mistake.  He also called some people “idiots” for not understanding that he would block anyone who disagreed.  He also used some other derogatory comments, but unfortunately I cannot recall exactly what they were, because post was deleted.

He later posted a follow-up, not to apologize for his erratic, rude, judgmental, condescending words, but to inform people that they have been unblocked (a “correction” but no apology).  Then he went on a tirade, calling more people idiots.  Nice job of treating your “fans” with respect.  Needless to say, Matt alienated a huge part of his fan base.

Although several people called Matt out on his actions in the second post, I chose a more peaceful route, as follows –

I am very troubled by this series of events. We’re (presumably) all atheists. That’s it. There is nothing else we share in common. We’re not all feminists, liberals, or democrats. We all don’t have the same views on abortion, gun control, or for whom to vote for President. We are a diverse group. Now, we have a situation involving an atheist, who also happens to be a feminist; a situation that has nothing to do with atheism. Over time, through YouTube, blogs, Facebook, and Twitter, an all-out war has enraged over this incident. Some atheists take one side, some another. Now, it’s Richard Dawkins vs. Rebecca Watson vs. THunderf00t vs. Matt Dillahunty vs. PZ Myers. Next thing you know, an already fragmented community is torn in half over an issue that has nothing to do with atheism. Why is this? How does this help achieve the goals of positive atheism (or feminism) and the advancement of equality; rational, evidence-based thought; and the true separation of church and state? Personally, I’ve been an atheist for over 20 years, and thanks to people like Matt Dillahunty and the AE show, AronRa, and Seth Andrews, I’m really looking to take an active role in this community. But what kind of community has this been reduced to? The theists (especially Christians) are already winning the battle, in numbers, dollars, and exposure. How is all of this petty bickering, name-calling, ass-kissing, and user-blocking helping? And I’m not putting this on any one person. It’s a lot of people, and I’m appalled. How are we to accomplish anything good, whether it be in atheism or feminism, if things boil down to this?

In 24 hours, I got 23 likes! 🙂  Below is an actual screen shot of my post.  Sorry if it’s difficult to read.
Sorry Matt, but this kind of petty stuff (threats, insults, and an unwillingness to accept dissenting opinions or have a productive dialogue) does not help your credibility, nor does it positively advance our shared agenda or bring people together.  It only divides.  This goes for everyone in this mess.  I just happened to see this post.  If this is what the atheist community is resulting to, my place is not with yours.  I will make my own mark, without supporting yours.
And for the record, this post has nothing to do with whether Rebecca Watson’s reaction was appropriate or the ensuing reactions were overblown.  It’s about the fallout of the incident and a Facebook post.  Don’t take it out of context.
Update: 8/8/12
I have obtained a screen shot of the original post by Matt.  See below.

Matt’s Original Rant


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